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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between Lock-Top and Lyemance?

The main difference is in appearance. When the Lock-Top damper is closed, it’s not very visible because the lid is pulled down onto the base. It is more visible when opened, however, the lid provides some rain protection during use. Even though animals aren’t likely to try to enter the flue when it’s in use, we also offer a Lock-Top II damper, which includes a stainless steel chimney cap. This cap provides greater rain protection while also acting as a spark protection.

The Lyemance damper has a lower profile and is less visible from the ground. It has a power lever that, when activated, uses leverage to force the door open in situations where there might be frost or icing of the damper. When in use, this damper will allow moisture into the chimney. However, we have a chimney cap with screen combined with this damper to prevent this from occurring. This Lyemance OPC Damper With Cap will also prevent the entry of animals and birds while also acting as a spark arrestor.

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Chimney Terms

Stainless Steel Chimney Liner

Stainless steel pipe, either rigid or flexible, made for relining flues of masonry chimneys when the original clay liner has cracked or broken. May also be used to create a lining in a masonry chimney that was made without a clay liner.

Chimney Caps

Protective coverings for chimneys usually made of aluminum, galvanized or stainless steel, or copper. Most chimney caps have a mesh screening that serves the dual purpose of spark arrestor and barrier against animals. Chimney caps also prevent rain from entering the flue of the chimney.

Top-Sealing Dampers

A device installed at the top of a chimney for the purpose of sealing the flue shut when the fireplace is not in use. They are often used as replacements for throat dampers that are installed just above the firebox when a masonry chimney is built. Lyemance and Lock-Top top-sealing dampers are as much as 90% more efficient than throat dampers because they provide a silicone rubber gasket seal rather than metal to metal.