Animal Intruders
The Unwelcome Houseguest
Sure, raccoons and squirrels are cute, and birds sound nice - as long as they're outside. But when raccoons , squirrels, and birds decide
to come inside and make their home in your chimney, they're anything but cute!
Imagine your surprise when they just drop in to visit unexpectedly through an open chimney. Besides being a threat to you physically, they can cause extensive damage to your home and furnishings.
Even if they don't get into your living area, they may decide to take up residence in your chimney. In addition to being noisy, wild animals carry disease that can be transmitted through their droppings.
Their nests can block the flue, which can contribute to dangerous back-puffing,
carbon monoxide poisoning, and chimney fires. No one wants their family exposed to that.
Keep animals and birds outside where they belong! Have a Gelco Chimney Top professionally installed today!
Locate an Installer near you and have a Gelco chimney cap installed today!